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#   Meta-analysis data for mesophotic reefs
#   Depth ranges of occurrence for major functional groups of invertebra mesopish, and algae on global shallow and mesophotic reefs
#   Caribbean Sea, Hawaii, Red Sea, Australia, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, 1973-2017
#   PI: M. Lesser (UNH)
#   version date: 2019-07-10
#   Published as Appendix S1 in Lesser et al, Global Ecol & Biog11/geb.1294DOIII:10.1111/geb.12940
Species                                                                 MinDepth  MaxDepth  Taxon                      Location                        Analysis  
Stylophora_kuehlmanni_SCHEER_&_PILLAI                                   7         80        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Seriaropora_hystrix_DANA                                                2         52        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Acropora_cf._granulosa_(MILNE_EDWARDS_&_HAIME)                          5         68        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Montipora_granulosa_BERNARD                                             5         82        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Montipora_verrucosa_LAMARCK                                             2         72        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Pavona_varians_VERRILL                                                  2         52        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Leptoseris_incrustans_VAN_DER_HORST                                     12        52        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Leptoseris_explanaia_YABE&_SUG~YAMA                                     5         108       Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Leptoseris_hawaiiensis_VAUCHAN                                          15        100       Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Leptoseris_mycetoseroides_WELLS                                         4         90        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Pachyseris_speciusa_DANA                                                8         67        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Coscinarea_monile_(FORSKAL)                                             5         70        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Fungia_klunzingeri_DODERLEIN                                            10        58        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Cycloseris_parelliformis_(BOSCHMA)                                      27        100       Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Porires_sp.                                                             1         63        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Porites_(Synarea)_undufata_(KLUNZINGER)                                 3         75        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Coniopora_cf._planulata_(EHRENBERG)                                     5         65        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Caulastrea_tumida_MATTHAI                                               8         58        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Favia sp.                                                               8         82        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Favia leva (KLUNZINGER)                                                 1         62        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Favia pallida (DANA)                                                    2         67        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Favia speciosa (DANA)                                                   7         61        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Favites peresi FAURE & PICHON                                           5         58        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Faviies sp.                                                             2         54        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Oulophyllia crispa (LAMARCK)                                            8         58        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Leptastrea purpurea (DANA)                                              2         82        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Echinopora gemrnacea (LAMARCK)                                          3         85        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Merulina scheeri HEAD                                                   10        76        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Acanrhasirea echinaia (DANA)                                            3         72        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Lobophyllia corymbosa (FORSKAL)                                         5         92        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Cynarina lacrymatis (MILNE EDWARDS & HAIME)                             10        98        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Blasiomussa merleii (WELLS)                                             2         52        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Echinophyllia aspera (ELLIS& SOLANDER)                                  3         105       Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Oxypora lacera VERILL                                                   8         108       Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic   
Mycedium elephaniolus (PALLAS)                                          2         60        Scleractinia               Red_Sea                         Benthic